Monday, December 6, 2010

Lose Weight Go Green

I hope you enjoy my environmentally friendly weight loss ideas. These free tips will help you lose weight, help you keep it off, and help the environment too!.  You will find a healthier happier person inside yourself!
.)Eat slowly
2.)Really chew your food
3.)Set the timer for a minute and try to race it with a one minute high energy activity such as polish a faucet, or wipe off the table or counter, or scrub a pot. Anything you can think of that you can do with a high level of energy, try to beat the timer! It doesn't matter if you don't! Try to think of all the one minute activities you can do to clean the kitchen/race the timer you can do throughout the day. Oh, did I say housework could be fun? Oh don't worry about that smile on your face!
4.)Make a list of all the important things that you need to get done each day, add to this list all the things you WANT to get done. Do all the things you have to get done first, this will leave you with the time to get to the things you WANT to do. As you do each activity, check it off. All those check marks are like a much deserved pat on the back!
5.) Keep a mental image of the Food Pyramid as you shop and slack off on the items in that tiny tip top portion. Substitute items in the lower part of the food Pyramid.
6.)Clean your house as though you are having company over!
7.)Try to be a little cooler! I am not suggesting you run through the snow NAKED, but a little cooler. Maybe a short sleeve instead of a long sleeve shirt.
8.) Go around the outer perimeter of the store first. Here you will find the four basic food groups! Meats, fruits and vegetables, breads, and dariy.
9.)Really think about what you are bringing home to put in your body!
10.)Chew sugarless gum.
11.Don't deny yourself! If you really think you need something, get the smallest package. Really savor each bite.
12.)This is a fun one. I must warn you it is silly. Go around your house and gather up the trash out of the trash baskets and put the plastic bag back, as though you are competing with an Olympic trash gatherer! Try to increase your speed from day to day. Did I say it could be fun to dump your trash? Is that a smile on your face? Remember it is okay to have a smile on your face while you are doing an Olympic event, I mean dumping the trash!
13.)Now that you have the Olympic trash dumping down, try the Olympic bringing in the groceries event. In this activity, you bring the groceries in as if you are competing with an Olympic grocery carrier! Bring your groceries in the house as fast as you can! Increase your speed each time!
14.)Have a pet! There are so many healthy qualities about having a pet.One of them is that you can enjoy feeding your pet before yourself, and this way, you get to enjoy food twice as much when you see your little friend enjoying their food.
15.)Try to get fresh fruits and vegetables rather than canned. Best yet is to grow your own of whatever you can. This way you don't have the toxins and harmful pesicides and food we grow without harmful pesicides is not only so much healthier, it is also so much more flavorful and organically grown food is so much better for the environment. To see how you can be eating healthier and more delicious food please check out my Guide to Organic Cooking.