Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Get LEAN by going GREEN! With Organic Cooking

Are you applying my suggestions for the race the timer/clean your kitchen energizer?
Are you really chewing your food?
How about trying to eat your food slowly?
Are you making a list and checking off things to give yourself the much deserved pat on the back?
Are you keeping a mental imagine of the Food Pyramid when you shop and slacking off on that tiny top portion?
How about cleaning your house as if you are having company?
Are you wearing a short sleeve shirt instead of a long one?
Are you just going around the outer perimeter of the store first when you do go grocery shopping?
Add to this list that to really think about what you are bringing home to your house to put into your body.
Try to get the fresh vs the canned and frozen veggies.
Better yet grow your own fresh and delicious vegetables! Without the harmful pesticiedes and toxins. It really is not that hard to grow a few of your own vegetables.
To learn how to be kind to the environment as well as more healthy to yourself check out my Guide to Organic Gardening.
Please click here:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

more weight healthy tips

Living healthy is a life style. We need to stop and think about everything that goes into our mouth. Each bite, each sip , is it healthy? There are plenty of delicious and healthy things to chose from! That is the key. Choose wisely and you will never have to use the word diet in your vocabulary! I eat what ever I want and I still weigh what I weighed in high school. (almost 40 years later!) What is my secret? I try to eat things that are nutritious. ALL the time! When I am given choices I try to choose the most healthy version of anything. It has become like second nature for me. So that is why I want to share the answer to the question people are always asking me. How do I stay so slim. I also try to stay busy. Please take a look at this guide to organic cooking that makes eating healthy fun!  It takes the guess work out of cooking healthy , and really helps you keep a healthy weight. Check it out today!
