Thursday, October 16, 2008

more weight healthy tips

Living healthy is a life style. We need to stop and think about everything that goes into our mouth. Each bite, each sip , is it healthy? There are plenty of delicious and healthy things to chose from! That is the key. Choose wisely and you will never have to use the word diet in your vocabulary! I eat what ever I want and I still weigh what I weighed in high school. (almost 40 years later!) What is my secret? I try to eat things that are nutritious. ALL the time! When I am given choices I try to choose the most healthy version of anything. It has become like second nature for me. So that is why I want to share the answer to the question people are always asking me. How do I stay so slim. I also try to stay busy. Please take a look at this guide to organic cooking that makes eating healthy fun!  It takes the guess work out of cooking healthy , and really helps you keep a healthy weight. Check it out today!

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